[CQ-Contest] CK in ARRL SS

John Geiger n5ten at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 8 01:00:34 EST 2007

--- Mike Fatchett W0MU <w0mu at w0mu.com> wrote:

> Paul
> You just don't get it.
> If you didn't copy his call when you made the
> contact it is called a bust!
> You don't get to check out the spot logs and try to
> figure out who the heck
> you worked after the fact.  That is indeed cheating.

Well now maybe not!  Here is what the ARRL rules
(which we have already determined don't all have to be
followed) say:

3. General Rules: 

3.1.All operators must observe the limitations of
their operator licenses and station licenses at all
3.2.All callsigns and exchange information must be
sent, received, acknowledged and logged correctly by
each station for a complete QSO. 

According to rule 3.2 the information has to be logged
correctly for a complete QSO to occur, but it doesn't
specify when the correct logging has to take place. 
It says that all callsigns and exchange information
must be sent, received, and acknowledged, but the
correctly part only follows the word logged, which
means that the final log has to be correct.  Plus, I
have heard plenty of contest QSOs take place where
both stations don't send the callsign of both stations
participating in the QSO.

73s John AA5JG

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