Brian Miller brianmiller at paradise.net.nz
Thu Nov 8 03:53:31 EST 2007

Hello everyone

A reminder that the the logs for the 2007 Oceania DX contest are due to be
submitted by 11 November 2007.

Electronic logs in Cabrillo format are to be sent to ph at oceaniadxcontest.com
(Phone logs) or cw at oceaniadxcontest.com (CW logs).

Paper logs (must be less than 50 QSOs) are to be sent to:

Oceania DX Contest
c/o Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc.
PO Box 6464
Wellington 6030
New Zealand.

A list of received logs (including claimed scores), along with information
about the required log format and rules, can be found at the Oceania DX
Contest web site http://www.oceaniadxcontest.com . Please contact the
Contest Committee at info at oceaniadxcontest.com if you have any questions or
difficulties with the submission process.

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the 2007 Contest.

73 from

Oceania DX Contest Committee (ZL1AZE, VK3TZ, ZL3GA, ZL2BSJ, VK2FHN, VK6DXI
and VK7GN) 

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