[CQ-Contest] To be assisted or not to be assisted: that is the question. (long)

Tom Haavisto ve3cx at shaw.ca
Mon Nov 12 18:21:14 EST 2007

Perhaps we do agree (which would be great), but what got me going was this:

> 2) The *passive* use of spotting networks is allowed. What does
> passivemean? It means that you don't actively consult with
> others or ask for help - you *alone* either submit unsolicited information
> to the spotting network or you utilize what is posted there unsolicited by
> someone else.

When I saw this, I went back and checked the rules.  Clearly, the use of a spotting network (even in a passive mode) places you in the assisted category, which prompted my initial response.  What I did not want was to have someone read your initial posting, accept it at face value (without checking the rules for clarification), use a spotting network during a contest, then enter as "unassisted".  To tell the truth, that is what I did - went back to the rules to verify what you were indicating was really there.

When in doubt, check the rules.  They clearly state what an "assisted" entry is.  I am not 100% certain every contest has similar plain language, but it seems clear to me :-)

I should add - sometimes the rules DO change from year to year - always a good idea to check before the contest to make sure they have not changed, and are the same as your remember.


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