[CQ-Contest] A Contester's Dilemma, or when is it necessary to take the fall for someone else?

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 14 19:32:39 EST 2007

Seems to me that this discussion, is very tightly linked to the Qso B4 chat. 
hmmm? And the other side of it, is simple, when the other station, qrp or not, 
attempts another Q, it may be a wiser decision to log it, rather than hit the QB4 button,
that, results in a nil for you, in his log. Maybe the call was incorrectly logged or simply not logged at all.. and in that case, the QB4 creates a noQ for you too... and if that is the penalty for that extra couple seconds... then I guess that is the reason for the missed Qs, and possible penalties. 
--... ...--Dale - WC7S in Wy
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