[CQ-Contest] SO2R-SO1R from The Yukon??

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Mon Nov 26 05:19:52 EST 2007

J., VY1JA, wrote:


1.  -Would it be of any advantage to try to set up the FT-990 and the TS450,
as an SO2R station for CQP, and the SS pair from The Yukon?


Maybe yes, maybe no.  My experience has been that you are primarily in S&P
mode in these events.  You could flip-flop operating style, and be a
Run-only station with one radio.  The good news is with SO2R you can do both
S&P and Run stations :-0)  You could also S&P on both radios on two
different bands if this is your preference!


2.  -Is the hardware setup for S02R much like what is required for


Basically, yes.


3.  -Does someone know of a good website which will show what is required?


No, but in a nutshell (besides two rigs & separate antennas), what you need
is something like:


a.  A Top Ten Devices DX Doubler SO2R Controller

b.  A pair of ICE 419A Bandpass Filters

c.  A SIX PAK Antenna switch from Array Solutions

d.  A pair of Elecraft KRC2 Band Decoders (they can use RS-232 ports vs.
separate band data jacks which your rigs may not have)


4.  -What are the standard operating tricks, if any?


Good question.  You need a copy of our NCCC SO2R Clinic v1.0 DVD with SO2R
operating narratives and actual On-Air operating videos by N6RO, K7NV & N6BV
in live action!


   5. -Would struggles with concentration and memory remove the SO2R


Maybe yes, maybe no.  If you follow the example I did on our DVD about
learning to play the piano (and follow N6RO's admonition to
practice-practice-practice), unless you have four left feet, there should be
benefit.  This could also give you something to do during the cold winter
Northern nights :-0)


5.  Help?


Do you believe in Santa Claus?  Well, I'm not Santa (I do have a
Ventriloquist figure named 'Sandy Claus'), but I'm going to send you a copy
of our DVD as a special TNX for the YT Section Contesting Joy you brought
many of us in SS this year.  Especially, for my Clean Sweep from KL8C.




Rick, K6VVA * The Locust


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