[CQ-Contest] TQP vs CQ RTTY

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Wed Oct 3 01:03:52 EDT 2007

Jeff KU8E asked:

> Ask youself this question... Why do we contest ? (besides to satisfy our
> egos) 
> For years the official line has been to improve our operating skills so we
> are prepared during an emergency to provide communications when all else
> fails. I guess I just don't see where RTTY would fit in during a real
> emergency. 

Hi Jeff,

Does "to have fun" count?  Does "to get more credits toward an award" (i.e.
WAS, DXCC, etc.) count?

RTTY contesting is fun, and somewhat less stressful (as you pointed out).  In
fact, I've had intelligible chats with my wife while I was running guys - try
to do that during a phone contest!  Plus we're competing against other RTTY
operators, improving our operating skills for that next big pileup or whatever.

PSK is a pretty efficient mode, both spectrum and power-wise.  I'll bet it
could come in handy during an emergency.  Operationally, it's not that much
different from RTTY.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C/0, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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