[CQ-Contest] VY1JA SS Schedule Troubles

J. Allen PGI jallen at yknet.ca
Sun Oct 28 21:06:29 EST 2007

Hello All,

This year, it is extremely likely that I will be working 7/12's at Cantung 
mine in NWT during both the CW and SSB Sweeps weekends.  If this happens, I 
plan to take the TS-450 and a some form of wire antenna.  The only 
opportunity for operating will be from 19:00 to 21:00 Pacific time.   This 
means signing as VY1JA/VE8

This facility is located in a deep mountain valley with mountain peaks 
sharply rising on all sides.  I have been unable to solve the amplifier 
problems, and will be limited to 100 Watts.  Propagation has been poor 
limiting operation to 20 and down.

I have spoken to VY1MB, Bob, and he will be there for the SSB contest.  Is 
it possible that someone knows another CW op who can be there in my place 
this year for CW.  A single two hour operating window from a poor location, 
with a poor setup is not what I would consider a good way to get contacts to 
all of you.

Sorry for the short notice, I just found this out myself.... I will know if 
I am leaving for the mine this Tuesday night at the latest.

Can anyone help find another CW op from YT/NWT?

J.   "J"

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