[CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW 2007 Result W2/NP3D - I just did not

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 6 16:03:22 EDT 2007

Well, I'm trying to understand the thrust of N4XM, Paul's discussion...
  I would appreciate Paul explaining how he sees the Cabrillo log as defective... Don't get too technical for my old head... In looking at my CQWW Cabrillo it gives the other station's call, the band, the time, the exchange, the section - and I make sure it is logged AS SENT -  and so on... 
  From what I can see it is all the information needed to log a QSO...  Seems to me it is just about how a paper log would look... How that can be defective is puzzling to me...
  denny / k8do

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