[CQ-Contest] SO R or not 2R?

Tom Osborne w7why at verizon.net
Fri Sep 14 20:32:20 EDT 2007

Hi Warren

There is--every week on Thursday night at 0200 and 0230.  From 0200 to 0230 
is the slow speed practice, around 20 wpm, and from 0230 to 0300 we let 'er 
rip :-).

The NCCC has the Sprint Ladder, which lets you practice and make all those 
boo-boo's during the weekly practice and not during the contest.  Plus, it 
gives you that contest fix during the week.

CW practice now is on 20, 40 and 80.  Tonight,  there is SSB Sprint practice 
at 0230 on 20, 40 and 80.  Frequency is usually around **040.0 on CW, and 
14240.0, 7240.0 and 3840.0 on SSB.  73


>Surely, if this is an issue affecting Sprints and NAQP, we need to >develop 
>more operating events where people can practice this >sometimes 
>diificult-to-master technique.

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