[CQ-Contest] SO2R in the CW Sprint

Mark Beckwith n5ot at n5ot.com
Mon Sep 17 15:02:42 EDT 2007

Warren asked:

> "...Of course, there's also the issue of when to practice, and how?..."

and Ted answered:

> the NCCC-sponsored Thursday night (and sometimes Friday) sprint
> practices were started expressly for this purpose.

And Tom asnwered:

> There is--every week on Thursday night at 0200 and 0230.  From
> 0200 to 0230 is the slow speed practice, around 20 wpm, and from
> 0230 to 0300 we let 'er rip :-)

I believe Warren was asking specifically about conventional SO2Ring, which 
is quite a lot different from SO2Ring in the Sprint.  The above two answers 
pertain only to how to practice for the Sprint, whereas Warren is correct, 
the opportunities to practice SO2R in conventional contests (i.e. where you 
hold a CQ frequency, i.e. CQWW, SS, NAQP, etc) do not exist unless you count 
the actual events themselves as opportunities to practice, and rare 
opportunities provided by the NCCC (see below).

The NCCC sponsored events are in the format of the Sprint except on the rare 
occasion that the NCCC changes the format, usually the week or two (max?) 
before a different contest.  I personally wish the NCCC would not focus on 
the Sprint so much and schedule more practices for other kinds of contests.

Mark, N5OT 

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