[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Fri Dec 12 07:33:33 EST 2008

Dear Friends from Brasil (and everyone else too)....

It is just like the other bands...when there is no contest, the bands are relatively quiet.
When the contest starts, all of a sudden the band is alive.

Well, 10 may not be "wide open" but there will be activity and lots of potential fun to
explore the different types of propagation.  No high QSO rates (except probably HC8 and 
D4), but still some good times...if you are patient and look for them.

When you get bored, walk away for a bit and then come again later..spend another hour
or two and then another break.  I'm sure we will be surprised by the number of QSO that
the winner makes.

[Maybe the log checkers can even multi-task.]

de Doug KR2Q

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