[CQ-Contest] 5NN

Henryk Zwolski zwolski at bci.krakow.pl
Sat Dec 13 05:32:16 EST 2008


Your discussion of the 5NN must be associated with the rules of the 
specific contest. Each contest sponsor should give its definition of 
the QSO to be recognized in its contest. There are a number of 
"general radio contact" definitions, especially historical ones which 
may not comply with today's reality, but each contest organizer MUST 
produce its own QSO definition for the CONTEST ADJUDICATION purposes. 
It would be good if such a definition complied with the "general 
two-way radio contact" definition. With time, we may develop a 
general "Contest QSO Definition" which need not exclude other ones.

Let's assume that TWO operators can claim a "general two-way radio 
contact" each (recognized for DXCC, awards or other achievements) 
upon exchange of TWO pieces of information: call-signs and ANYTHING 
ELSE (RST, name, greeting, just ANYTHING), with confirmation of 
PRESUMED reception.

By analogy, in a contest setting, TWO operators can claim a QSO each 
(recognized under the contest rules, specified in the cabrillo log 
after "QSO:", AND recognized for DXCC, awards or other achievements, 
as well) upon exchange of TWO pieces of information: call-signs and 
EXCHANGES, with confirmation of PRESUMED reception. The Exchange 
portion can be defined by each contest sponsor individually.

For example: the "Call-Sign and Serial Number" Exchange.
In this case, a complete two-way contest contact (equivalent to two 
QSO's recorded in the operators' Cabrillo logs) can look like that:
CQ test W1AW
SP9JPA tu 005
- tu 002
tu test W1AW

In this case, 'tu' is (a) the 'attention' signal and (b) the 
confirmation of PRESUMED reception.

I have been working on the "Contest QSO Definition" for some time.
I have more details, but we need to start from the foundations...

Thank you.
73, Henryk SP9JPA

P.S. Please have a look at my Blog SP9JPA: http://sp9jpa.blogspot.com/
Don't be discouraged by the Polish language.
We use a lot of "international" words, and there are some texts in 
English, as well.

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