[CQ-Contest] Public Logs

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Tue Dec 23 22:58:36 EST 2008

Imagine a Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer or other major sporting
event where only a final score was allowed to be published and nothing else
(except for maybe the number of touchdowns or field goals per quarter, etc.
- kinda like Q's & Mults per band).


No TV, Radio or Web viewing of any of the realtime play-by-play action or
other post-game details permitted (God Forbid . lest anyone discover a
touchdown was made as the result of a 'Quarterback Sneak' , an 'End Run' or
some Ethereal play that a competitor could copy use in the future).


Other than that, the 'Public' is only allowed  the knowledge that players
make ridiculous sums of money, incur numerous injuries, and some shame their
professions by doing immature, illegal and/or just plain stupid things which
we hear about from time to time on the news or read in the papers.  Wouldn't
that be dumb?


Methinks there is just too much Paranoia about making logs 'Public' after
log submissions and final scores are made known to the World.


Remember . it's 'only a Hobby'.  Correction: ADDICTION.


I'm Addicted to Contesting and I have approved this message.


73, MX/HC & HNY.


Rick, K6VVA



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