[CQ-Contest] New Log Analyzer for ARRL RTTY Roundup

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at pclink.com
Tue Dec 23 23:35:49 EST 2008

RTTY Contesters,

I uploaded an enhanced version of my ARRL RTTY Roundup Log Analyzer (Rev 1.0.1). This workbook defaults to logs for the 2007 and 2008 contests. Now would be a great time to import your previous efforts to refresh your memory and see how you did. Then begin thinking about your strategy for 2009!

This is an Excel XLS file, about 5-Mb in size. You can download a copy from here: http://tinyurl.com/8juedc

My 2007 log is already populated in the Log1 import page. You can delete this log and replace it with your own. See the "Instructions" worksheet (Yellow Tab) for the step-by-step process to delete old logs and import new logs.

In this version I added band breakdowns for each multiplier on the MULTS worksheet. A cumulative total table and graph have been added to the REPORTS worksheet.

This workbook was tested using Excel 2003 and any feedback (good/bad) is appreciated.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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