[CQ-Contest] Open Letter to CAC

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Tue Feb 26 22:27:44 EST 2008

Kelly, VE4XT, wrote:
>Didn't this start with the actions of one station that Rick, K6VVA tried in
vain to work?
>Are we going to toss the whole flavour of a contest over the action of one
The AK exchange was the specific example I chose to use which, along with
other cut number encounters, triggered a resurgence of the basic issue I
have previously voiced my concerns and opinions about for the last several
years.  So this was really nothing new.  I actually did work the AK cut
number sender, but he blew me off when I was trying to get clarification of
what exactly what he meant by AK.  It took multiple subsequent time-wasting
attempts while he made several more QSOs before finally getting things
straightened out to my satisfaction.

Ed, N1UR, suggested:


>I think it should be a requirement that anyone proposing a change to a

>contest have spent at least 500Q - 24 hour effort in said contest.


That's fine with me -  I more than qualify for this particular annual
operating event:


2004 ARRL CW DX Contest - KP2CW (K6VVA, op) -  4,462,533 Points - 4,467 QSOs
- 333 Mults - 40 Actual Hours - (Top 10 DX SOABHP - Error Rate 1.2%).  This
was 3 months after getting back on the HF bands and CW after a  30 year
absence (Tnx to the continued urging and pre-contest advice of my good
friend Jim Neiger - but he is NOT responsible for my cut number or any other


After almost destroying my aged body trying to make the full 48 hours to be
competitive, I will no longer make a serious SOAB effort in this event until
a MAX 30 or 36 hour out of 48 SOAB category is added.  But that's a
different crusade J




Rick, K6VVA


P.S. As KP2CW, I sent 5NN KW (and did not run over One KW).



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