[CQ-Contest] Dumbing-Down Contests?

Charles Morrison cfmorris at bellsouth.net
Wed Feb 27 11:47:00 EST 2008

> Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:24:26 -0500
> From: "Alfred Frugoli" <alfred.frugoli at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Dumbing-Down Contests?
> To: "Eric Hilding" <b38 at hilding.com>
> Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID:
> 	<77462a70802261524t40244b35q3213597819b19bd9 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Contesters,
> I had a rather eye opening experience this weekend.  I did some listening
> K5ZD audio archives online.  I was amazed at how quick he is to skip over
> station that's not ready for a caller when in S&P mode.  In one clip I
> listened to, he moved over about 20kc of phone band (8+stations) without
> stopping once, because none of the stations was calling CQ or QRZ at the
> time he tuned across.
> Maybe there's way to generate your RATE-RATE-RATE and SCORE-SCORE-SCORE
> without changing the contest?  Maybe it's changing the operator/operating?
> With respect.
> 73 de Al, KE1FO


Also keep in mind that just because you're not using packet doesn't mean you
cant use the band map.  Writelog has a setting whereby when you enter a
station into the call entry area and press the space bar, it will
automatically map it into the band map.  So this works in two ways.  If you
haven't worked them, when you do it puts them in the bandmap, and marks them
as being a dupe.  If you're on a SP radio, next time you tune up or down the
band, you hear a station in the headphones, glance at the bandmap, if it's a
dupe, don't stop.  Like wise, when it slows down, as you come across
stations, if there's nothing in the bandmap but you enter their call to dupe
check it, and it's a dupe, its marked in the bandmap, so that 10 minutes
later when you come back by again, you don't stop.

The persistence time can be set for how long the bandmap keeps callsigns.  I
keep mine set for the duration of time that it takes to make probably 3 or 4
sweeps of the band.


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