[CQ-Contest] Good contact, back to you

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Feb 27 18:48:59 EST 2008

Does nobody here understand the concept of adjusting your operating style  to 
suit your audience?
If I'm at PJ2T in the midst of a big opening to the states (or EU) during  
CQWW where I'm one of the few loud signals on the band, I'm going to be  very 
quick and  brief.  If I'm operating the NAQP SSB early in the day  on 40 meters, 
I'm going to slow down and sound like  "KB3ABC, good  afternoon, my name is 
Jim... in... Ohio". Not "KB3ABC Jim Ohio"
If I'm working stateside, I'll tend to use Kilowatt Eight Mike Radio; if  I'm 
working Europeans, where a "kilo" is a standard everyday quantity, I'll more  
likely use "Kilo Eight Mike Radio".  
Of course, it is always better to mix it up between standard phonetic  
options:   America and Alpha, Delta and Denmark, Kilo and Kilowatt,  etc.  
Eventually you will come out with something everyone will  understand.  This may be 
even more important when your target audience  is not a native speaker of your 
73  -  Jim   K8MR

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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