[CQ-Contest] FW: Getscores.org Changes/Improvements...

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Fri Jan 18 16:35:44 EST 2008

My two cents FWIW.  :-)

On Fri, 18 Jan 2008, David Robbins K1TTT wrote:

> Would visiting a propagation site like:
> http://lu9da.dyndns.org/www/prop.html
> or g7rau's live muf, or any of the other real time propagation sites make
> you a multi op?

Definitely not.  All that is telling you is whether a particular band 
might be open.  To me, that is about the same order as listening to WWV 
during a contest to get the solar numbers, or for setting your clock for 
that matter. It does not tell you where any particular station is and 
doesn't help you to work a particular station.

> how about looking in on my webcams and seeing if we have an operator on a
> particular band?

That's a little trickier. It could be. Is the frequency they are 
operating on visible on the webcam?  In that case I could QSY to that 
frequency and work them. It would have a similar effect to seeing a packet 
spot. It would help me to make a particular QSO.

73, Zack W9SZ

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