[CQ-Contest] What Skimmer is!

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Thu Jun 5 13:52:01 EDT 2008

Actually, it isn't MY idea of fun.  I don't do contesting to win anything, 
except perhaps as a QRP-Portable in VHF contests where I often win by 
default because no one else in my area entered that category.

I do it for fun. I like to use computer logging but I still just use the 
ol' TS-850 and a mic or keyer. No computer-generated CW here. No Super 
Check Partials or other aids. I do use the computer as a dupe checker when 
I hear and type in the call, but otherwise I just copy what the other guy 
sends or says and enter it into the log as I hear it.

But there are others, I know, who are in it to win something and I often 
wonder if they are even having fun at it. It's these people who are most 
apt to use the scenario I described. I'll stick to my rig, simple logging, 
no packet or anything else, and keyer/mic for the duration of my 
contesting future. And hopefully continue to have fun at it. If it isn't, 
I'll go and do something else too.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Charlotte & Bob Higgins wrote:

>> That's something to sit back and think about - where is contesting headed
>> in the next couple decades? I can envision an almost totally automated
>> station that finds the stations, QSY's to their frequencies and logs them,
>> etc. My only requirement would be that each QSO had a live operator
>> somehow participating, even if it's just punching an "OK" button.
>> 73, Zack W9SZ
> If thats your idea of fun then enjoy. If we ever reach that stage I'll find
> something else to do.
> 73
> Bob K4LW

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