[CQ-Contest] Eliminate SO Unassisted?

David Kopacz david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com
Mon Jun 16 17:30:10 EDT 2008

>It's impossible to detect if someone is checking the DX Summit history
after the contest to correct their logs for callsign accuracy.  

>Rules set boundary conditions for honest players ... rules don't stop
the cheats.

>Dave   AB7E

This brings me back to a previously unanswered question I submitted to
this reflector.

If changing a call sign post contest is considered cheating, then why
does the contest robot reject your log when it finds an impossible call?
Shouldn't the robot accept the log and mark the entry as a busted Q?

I had this happen to me previously and the robot would not accept my log
until the error was corrected. Removing the contact from the log seems
to be the acceptable answer, even though in this case, the typographical
error was clear and the call sign was easily ascertained.

I don't recall reading rules governing this scenario.

David ~ KY1V

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