[CQ-Contest] New Skimmer Reflector

K1AR at aol.com K1AR at aol.com
Sun Jun 22 14:26:58 EDT 2008

Dear Contesters,
As most of you know, there has been considerable discussion regarding  
skimmer and related topics on this reflector. The subject has essentially taken  
over the channel to the point that it makes sense to create a separate  
reflector. Effective immediately, a new reflector has been setup to handle  
skimmer-related discussion (see below).
As with CQ-Contest, we ask that, if you want to participate, you  subscribe 
to the new skimmer list. This can be done at: 
(http://dayton.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/skimmertalk)  and  then following the instructions. The process is no different 
than the other  commonly used reflectors including CQ-Contest.
To post messages, send your mail to: _skimmer at contesting.com_ 
(mailto:skimmer at contesting.com) .
Note that we will moderate the new skimmer list. This is required to  
eliminate SPAM from being sent to the list (no comment on the definition of  SPAM, 
but I digress).
This move is not intended to squelch the discussion in any way. Rather,  it's 
a place for those who have extended interest in the subject to continue the  
debate in a focused forum. It also gives contest administrators a place to  
review what's on everyone's mind regarding the subject.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a line.
73 John, K1AR

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