[CQ-Contest] IARU 2008 and Skimmer

Kutzko, Sean, KX9X kx9x at arrl.org
Wed Jun 25 06:47:53 EDT 2008

Hello, Fellow Contesters-

There has been a lot of discussion about the use of Skimmer in the upcoming IARU HF World Championship. The published rules for 2008 do not refer to “Skimmer,” nor is there a Single Operator Assisted or Unlimited category in this event. For the 2008 event, any Single Operator station that uses Skimmer (and does not use spotting assistance) will be placed in the Single-Operator category.

The evaluation of the technology, as well as the integrity of the adjudication process, is of paramount importance to the Contest Branch.  To make sure the results are generated properly, we require that all Single Operator stations using Skimmer make that statement in the Soapbox field in their Cabrillo header.  For example, "Skimmer was used." is sufficient.  Do not put such a statement in the subject or body of the email log submission - it will not be read. If the log checkers do not know that Skimmer was used, an incorrect conclusion as to entry class (e.g. Single Operator or Multi-Operator) may be reached, or a log could be subject to review by the ARRL Awards Committee, which could result in penalties up to and including disqualification. 

THIS ACCOMMODATION OF SKIMMER TECHNOLOGY FOR THE 2008 IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP DOES NOT IMPLY IN ANY WAY THE PERMANENT ACCEPTANCE OF SKIMMER'S USE IN SINGLE-OPERATOR CATEGORY OPERATION IN ARRL CONTESTS. The technology will be evaluated and long-term rulings on how it may be used in this contest will be made in the 2009 rules or before.

Since there is no Single-Operator Assisted category, anyone using external assistance through packet or the internet should enter as a Multi-Operator entry, and, as in the past, the entry may be re-categorized or disqualified if assistance is not declared.

As with the 2007 IARU HF Championship, there will be continued emphasis on log adjudication in 2008. Stations claiming exceptional results should be prepared to have their log undergo thorough examination.


Sean Kutzko KX9X
Contest Branch Manager
ARRL - The national association of Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT  06111 USA
(860) 594-0232
email: kx9x at arrl.org

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