[CQ-Contest] Reverse Beacon" Test using CW Skimmer

José Nunes CT1BOH ct1boh at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 13:19:36 EST 2008

>N4ZR wrote
>I have an 20M Softrock Lite listening on ~14000-14090 KHz with a beta CW
>Skimmer program by VE3NEA that has Telnet capability. (...) If Skimmer
"hears" you,
>it will send a DX spot out via Telnet

This is a fantastic idea.
I thing that I really dislike, is to see a particular station spotted 200
times during a Contest and another competitor just spotted 100 times. It is
most unfair, and we all know how important it is to be spotted.

By doing a reverse beacon fed into the packet system, all stations on the
band will be spotted.
Democracy finally arrives into the packet world!

José Nunes
CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh

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