[CQ-Contest] ARRL rule...the introduction (aka CONTEXT)

N7mal n7mal at citlink.net
Thu Mar 6 00:12:57 EST 2008

Doug thank you for publishing that document. Once again K0HB was doing
nothing but trying to pull peoples chains without having the slightest idea
of what he was talking about. It is very clear the rule applies to
Xpeditions and not individuals.
Thank again....Best 3

The wisest men follow their own direction.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: kr2q at optonline.net
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 1:03
Subject: [CQ-Contest] ARRL rule...the introduction (aka CONTEXT)


de Doug KR2Q



ARRL's DXCC program has added language to its Accreditation Criteria to
minimize difficulties stemming from online DXpedition logs. The change,
recently approved by the ARRL Board of Directors Programs and Services
Committee, limits the level of QSO detail that DXpeditions may provide on
Web-based log sites, search engines or other public forums and still qualify
for DXCC accreditation. ARRL Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG,
notes that it's become accepted practice for DXpeditions to post QSO
information on the Web.

"Although this information is generally limited to call sign, band and mode,
it has been useful in reducing the number of duplicate contacts in the
DXpedition log," Mills points out. "Publishing complete QSO information or
information from which full QSO information can be derived, on the other
hand, threatens the integrity of the QSLing process, and is unacceptable."

Mills says at least some key information a station provides when submitting
a DXpedition contact for DXCC credit must be obtained solely by actually
making the QSO. "If complete contact information can be derived from
information based on the DXpedition log, the QSL manager's job can be much
more difficult if busted calls are involved," he says.

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