[CQ-Contest] Live Scoreboard upcoming events

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Sun Mar 9 21:35:26 EDT 2008

K1TTT mentioned:

>Sorry for the confusion for those who tried to use the scoreboard for the
>rtty sprint last night.  I think Gerry got it working an hour or so into it.
>The problem is that the rtty sprint is not in the list of official Cabrillo
>events at: http://www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/tags.html
>So it wasn't coded into the web site as a legal contest name, even though it
>was in the calendar of events the Cabrillo filter took it out.  the cw and
>ssb sprints are on there, but for some reason not rtty!  If you sponsor an
>event that wants Cabrillo formatted logs, or want to have an event listed on
>the real time scoreboard, you should make sure that you get in the official
>list of contest abbreviations... this will help software authors to use a
>consistent name for your contest.

No, no, no - Cabrillo is a free-for-all: if an event is
not listed in the spec, or a QSO template doesn't
quite fit what's needed, then make up your own.
Need a tag that's not defined, then make up your
own.  Cabrillo is really good for this.

73, ex-VR2BrettGraham/p.

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