[CQ-Contest] Get out of jail free card

Scott Robbins w4pa at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 10 15:01:46 EDT 2008

--- Barry <w2up3 at verizon.net> wrote:
> If skimmer is designated as assistance by the contest sponsors, I don't 
> believe it will be hard to find the cheaters.  The data produced by 
> CT1BOH et al shows very different operating characteristics between SO 
> and SOA.

Yes -- I agree.  But assuming that (like other technology toys or operating
methods) the CW Skimmer or other CW copying/decoding gadgets will not be barred
from use, it will be difficult or impossible to tell the difference.  

> > Phone contests may be the new true test of operator skill in the future. 
> >
> > Scott W4PA 
> Phone contest and operator skill will never belong in the same sentence :.)
> Barry W2UP

:-)  ...but if it's humans copying the callsigns, it might be.  


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