[CQ-Contest] Get out of jail free card - SO2R

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Fri Mar 14 11:57:57 EDT 2008

On Mar 14, 2008, at 8:53 AM, Sandy Taylor wrote:
> Developing, honourably, an increased skill set relative to  
> competitors is
> all part of sports. It's why it was the Giants and the Pats, and  
> not the
> Chargers and the Packers, in the Super Bowl.
> If we didn't have differing skill sets, there'd be no need for  
> competition.
> Everybody would be the same.

	I think that a lot of Hams don't get a very simple fact. A  
dilettante such as myself can work in the same contest as the world's  
best operators. How cool is that?

If Baseball or football was this way, we'd have 6 year old Pop Warner  
players lining up against 400 pound pros. It can't work that way, but  
we can.

Level the playing field?  Heck no, I want to hone my skills against  
the best, not make  them as lousy as I am!

-73 de Mike N3LI -

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