[CQ-Contest] Dayton PileUp Winner

DL8MBS prickler.schneider at t-online.de
Mon May 19 11:18:36 EDT 2008

Gerry Hull wrote:

>How about an S&P test rather than a pileup test?   One of the great arts being lost from contesting is
>the ability to scan a band and find stations (Primarily due to packet).
That will be the real contest for a comparison against skimmer at his 
real strong point. Think about sunday afternoon in WPX scanning the 
bands through all the calls already heard a zillion times during the 
last hours. And then imagine anyone sitting in front of a 
skimmer-screen: he may have a few busted calls on it. But he needs one 
look per band (if he went the miles to install things properly) for all 
those unworked stations you have to scan for (it is biiig fun but 
necessarily slower, isn´t it?).

Hmmm, perhaps some club may try such a comparison this weekend, i.e. who 
will get the most calls out of 20m in 5 minutes - compared to the 
reverse beacon network?

73, Chris

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