[CQ-Contest] SS Exchange sequence

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Nov 8 20:06:50 EST 2008

I find it slightly better to ask "PRE?" than "PREC?", as the "EC" part  seems 
to get translated into "SEC".
But after a few tries, it is usually better to just ask "AGN?"" and get  
73  -  Jim  K8MR
In a message dated 11/8/2008 11:09:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
Aldewey at aol.com writes:

The SS  exchange emulates the message format but there is no intent that this
be a  training exercise to handle message traffic.
Although I am an old traffic  handler myself, I suspect there are some out 
there who have never handled  any NTS traffic.  There were a number of times 
I needed a repeat  on the precedence and so I sent "Prec?".  A few came back 
with a  "?"  until I said "Pwr?".  I wonder what the best way to ask for a  
of the precedence  is?


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