[CQ-Contest] ND and VE4 in one QSO

Alex Malyava alex.k2bb at gmail.com
Fri Nov 14 15:00:02 EST 2008

Good point.

I hope the idea of operating in two different countries is to give two
rare mults, not to win two award in the same contest?
How about a team of 2 ops, W0AA and W0BB for example, drives to that
park, sets up something like 2OPS-2RADIO-2ANTENNAS and operates like
W0AA/0 and W0BB/VE4?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Richard Ferch <ve3iay at storm.ca> wrote:
> Thanks for the reminder about the Peace Gardens, Bill. I remember going to
> the hamfest there in the late 70s when I was a VE4.
> You could easily operate consecutive QSOs from ND and MB, but I don't think
> you could do both in the same QSO. Under Canadian regulations, an American
> visiting in Canada must identify in the format WB0O/VE4 (RBR4 section 9.2),
> but under FCC rules it would be illegal to add a /VE4 either before or after
> your call sign while operating from the US (part 97.119(c)). The rules work
> similarly in the other direction for Canadians. I think you would have to
> pick which call sign you were identifying with according to which
> jurisdiction you claimed to be in at the time.
> However, I believe you could legally make two contacts in rapid succession,
> one as WB0O/VE4 from MB and the other as WB0O from ND, the legal fiction
> being that you moved a few inches between QSOs.
> Before planning any such activity in a contest, though, you need to look at
> the contest rules. These vary between contests. With respect to Sweepstakes,
> you need to look at the General Rules for All ARRL Contests section 3.3: "An
> operator may not use more than one call sign from any given location during
> the contest period." Also, section 3.5: "A transmitter used to contact one
> or more stations may not be subsequently used under any other call during
> the contest period, except for family stations where more than one call has
> been issued, and then only if the second call sign is used by a different
> operator."
> So it appears that under the SS rules you would have to set up at two
> separate locations and use two separate transmitters. Operating from two
> sections within a single QSO would appear to be in violation of the ARRL
> contest rules.
> 73,
> Rich VE3KI / VE3IAY
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