[CQ-Contest] CQ Pacific Northwest

ghoward at kent.edu ghoward at kent.edu
Tue Oct 14 19:04:49 EDT 2008


I'm looking for a multi-op station for CQWW SSB in the Pacific 
Northwest, reasonable driving distance from Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, 
where I now live. I can pitch in with some operating, antenna work, 
cooking, bottle washing, or simply cheerleading if anyone has a spot. I 
need not operate if your schedule is full -- just like to hang around 
and support the effort. I probably will not be able to be available for 
the entire weekend.

Normally I am at PJ2T, and will be there for CQWW CW, but the logistics 
of my recent relocation to Idaho have prevented me from getting to 
Curacao for the SSB weekend.

   Many thanks,

          - Geoff, W0CG, PJ2DX

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