[CQ-Contest] EU Sprint Logs

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Wed Oct 15 07:47:12 EDT 2008

Following the sad death of Paolo I2UIY I am now handling all log 
submissions for the EU Sprints. The email address for logs 
eusprint at kkn.net remains unchanged.

We believe we have all logs that were sent after about 17:00UTC on 7th 
October. There was also a problem with automatic acknowledgments, but 
these should all have been sent now.

So, if you sent your EU Sprint log before 17:00UTC on 7th October, or if 
you haven't received an acknowledgment email, please re-send to 
eusprint at kkn.net, or contact me if you have any questions.

I plan to issue a list of logs received once the deadline passes, and we 
will accept logs for a while after the deadline on this occasion.

73, Dave G4BUO

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