[CQ-Contest] World Contest Station Database Redux?

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Oct 24 21:04:30 EDT 2008

As many are aware, the World Contest Station Database died last winter when 
the web site it was on migrated to another server, which did not support 
ASP.  Since then, other have tried to bring it back, and even to enhance 
it, but to no avail.

I have decided to see if at least I can bring it back to life in its past 
form, with the question of enhancements left pending for now.  The big 
thing I need is a low-cost or free host server that supports ASP.  If 
anyone on this reflector has ideas in this regard, please contact me off 
the reflector, and let's see if we can get this thing going again.

73, Pete N4ZR

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