[CQ-Contest] Any reommendation WPX SSB 2009 ???

jesusec1kr at terra.es jesusec1kr at terra.es
Fri Oct 31 06:22:37 EDT 2008

Hello to all.

Once finished the contest CQWW-DXSSB-2008 already we are thinking 
about the next great contest of phone, the CQ-WPX-SSB-2009 about March 
09. In these dates I will be 12 days of vacations and I have the 
possibility of being able to travel somewhere from the world. I would 
like to be able to realize the contest from some nice place. I Like to 
know your recommendation and to know if there exists some multi team 
prepared for these dates to which to be able to travel and to join. The 
intention is of travelling together with my girlfriend, I listen to 
your ideas and recommendations. Any thing you can locate me by e-mail. 
Your Friend of Contests:

Jesus - E C 1 K R
E.mail. ec1kr at ure.es
MSN.   ec1kr at hotmail.es

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