[CQ-Contest] Multiple entries

Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Wed Sep 3 10:02:34 EDT 2008

>You gain a better visibility to callsign offering
>Also you gain on the knowledge of the multiplier offering.

You could get that also by just SWLing the bands during the off times - no 
way to check that.

> Stretching the moral side a little:
> You have a opportunity of making skeds for the other band ...
> Even for multipliers.
> Usually people realise only the last one as a forbidden fruit.

Suppose I do SB80. During the day I am playing on 10/15m. I make skeds: 
"Let's meet on 3540 at 0030utc, ok?".
So my log is filled for 80% on 80m and about 20% of the QSO's were made on 
the other bands when my band of choice was closed.
I submit SB80 and Of COURSE keep the 20% "other bands" in the log for log 
checking purposes.

Is that a violation? It was me who made the sked, on the bands, with amateur 
radio means, during the contest period.

The great Russian DX allows for 2 SB entries. More QSO = nice for everyone.

73 de Franki ON5ZO = OQ5M 

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