[CQ-Contest] KH6 is a Mult but not a Mult

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Mon Sep 15 02:06:32 EDT 2008

Ed, W0YK, wrote:

>> I lifted this query from Dick, KH7XS's 3830 post (hope ya 
>> don't mind, Dick):
>BZZZZ!  Busted name ... you lose the post and get a penalty no more posting
>for three years.

Ohhhhhhh, my bad.  Sorry there Mr. (K4XS/KH7XS).  I sat across a dinner
table from Dick, K4XU, a few weeks ago, and obviously got my mixed K4X_ guys
mixed up ;-(

>Common sense is to leave contest rules alone after significant history
>exists, which it does on both NAQP and Sprint.  And, then, what about KH2
>and other entities "out there" with KH6?

Umh, the other 'entities' are not 'States' (yet).

>No, it just so happens that Alaska is in North America.  Get it ... NORTH

Darn, I hate it when that happens.  Maybe it's because I sometimes think of
Hawaii being an extension of California?

Tnx for the whipping & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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