[CQ-Contest] 2008 CoQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 22Sep2008

mwdink at eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Mon Sep 22 09:54:56 EDT 2008

2008 CoQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 22Sep2008

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 20, 2008
E-mail logs to: coqplogs at ppraa.org
Mail logs to:
Colorado QSO Party
PO Box 16521
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-6521
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SO MobileMixed LP
KO7X/COUNTY         96     4     0    56     4     0            4,794 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOCW LP
K6XT               153     0     0    51     0     0    14     32,232 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOMixed LP
N0HF                13   142     0    11    34     0   3.5      7,785 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOPh HP
W0RIC                0   812     0     0    74     0    15     60,088 Grand Mesa
WM0G                 0   443     0     0    65     0  11.0     28,795 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOPh LP
KT0DX                0   529     0     0    60     0  12.0     63,960 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW LP
N6MU                48     0     0    27     0     0            5,184 
K5LH                16     0     0     9     0     0              576 
N9FC                11     0     0     8     0     0              352 SMC

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed HP
K6III                6     3     0     3     4     0               30 

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed LP
N4NM                 2    18     0     2    13     0   1.5        660 ACG
WC2Z                 0     6     1     0     6     1     3         56 smrc, 910 coders
K6CSL                2     2     0     2     2     0   4.0         24 NCCC

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOPh LP
AB4GG                0    16     0     0    11     0  1.35        352 TCG


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