[CQ-Contest] Self spotting rationale
jimk8mr at aol.com
jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Aug 1 15:39:33 PDT 2009
Perhaps we can do away with stations sending CQs, thereby wasting much spectrum. Instead, require them to self spot on the internet instead of CQing.
K8MR 14023.3 CQ K8MR
If K0RC wants to work me, he tunes to 14023.3, and sends "K8MR de K0RC". If I hear him, I send "K0RC de K8MR 5NN OH". If K0RC hears me, he sends "K8MR TU 5NN MN", and I send "TU".
Otherwise the frequency remains silent, and open for many other people to use it until someone else sees my self spot and want to work me.
A much more efficient use of spectrum, allowing many more people to make qsos on that frequency. This is especially desirable with 15 and 10 meters presently of very little utility.
73 - Jim K8MR (With tongue firmly implanted in cheek)
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Chudek - K0RC <k0rc at citlink.net>
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Tue, Jul 28, 2009 10:17 pm
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Self spotting rationale
This isn't a rhetorical question.
How / why was the "no self spotting" rule created in the first place? Was it a
nee-jerk reaction to the introduction of new technology at the time spotting
etworks began to flourish? What actual purpose does this rule serve? Whatever
hat purpose, is it outdated by technology?
The use of the spotting networks automatically classifies a participant as
assisted" in the first place. To the non-assisted
participants, why would they
are whether stations were self-spotting or not? When I operate in the
on-assisted category I don't care what is going on with the spotting network.
To the participants in the "assisted" category, why not let them spot their
rains out? Other than saturating the spotting network I don't see a down-side
o this. If an assisted station spotted themselves once every X minutes, many
hings would "fall into place."
First, there would be fewer busted calls being spotted. Second, assisted
perators would know which bands were being used by the self spotter (are they
perating 10 meters right now or not?). Third, self spotting timers could evolve
n contest software to spot on a predetermined schedule. Fourth, David's
potting reports would not be necessary to see who was breaking the rules.
ifth, I wouldn't have to worry whether my call would appear on a report as
helping my team mates in our contest club" when I spot the members. (I have
asically quit spotting anyone compared to the early days of the spotting
I can only imagine if Wal-Mart, Target, and K-Mart were not allowed to advertise
heir stores were open for business and what times you would find them open. I
hink the "no self spotting" rule is absurd.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
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