[CQ-Contest] Station Inspections

David Kopacz david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com
Sat Aug 15 23:02:55 PDT 2009

"Shucks, anyone can be competitive if he/she spends upwards past $50,000

or more on a station, towers, etc., and practices his/her skill in 
various contests.

Not to mention a quiet RF location, on a high hill or overlooking salt 


"And, there's a big temptation in all cases to cheat."  

KY1V --> ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, I have never, nor have any of my guests
ever <to my knowledge>, so much as thought about cheating. I/We do,
however, often think about how nice it would be to get 3 points for
North American QSO's instead of 2 points!!!

"So why should hams complain if they are asked to have a monitor at
their station during the operation to 
make sure they are abiding by the rules?"  

KY1V --> No one would complain if they were "asked", but that's not the
intent of the rule. The rules is clear...if "they" want to, and you
don't allow "them" to, you're automatically DQ'd for x years. The rule
is designed with the intent that only "known/suspected" cheaters would
be asked, therefore, it is assumed they will not cooperate, thus the
penalty clause for non cooperation.

It's BS. Open logs are BS. If you want to see my logs, ask...perhaps
I'll let you. If you want to watch me operate CQWW ask, perhaps I'll let
you, but that's my choice, not the CQWW CC, the same people trying to
beat me!

Think about it...if "THEY" weren't "THEMSELVES" participants in the very
same contest for which "THEY" intend to enforce "THEIR" silly catch the
cheater rules, none of this would matter!

Personally, I don't think there's that much cheating going on. Perhaps
it is more likely that there are a lot of people that are paranoid,
delusional and can't quite figure out why they are getting beat, so they
conclude that everyone else must be cheating. 

Then there are the control freaks....don't even get me started on them!

As a "NON CHEATER", I do not advocate the use of home invasions to
satisfy one amateur's need to observe another amateur win a contest fair
and square. And, it is MOST CERTAIN, the suspected cheater will never
cheat while the inspection is taking place!

What a dumb rule!

David ~ KY1V/6Y1V

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