[CQ-Contest] Log Analysis.

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 09:59:08 PDT 2009

>> Below is a log extract from a top M/S contender. It covers a period of 4
>> minutes and, ignoring the contact in the 32nd minute, records 20 qso's.
>> The run freq is 14099, there was one mlt on 21mhz, ignoring that one I make
>> that to be 10 frequency changes on 14mhz in that time period. Wow that's
>> some going, 5 q's per minute, 10 frq changes, >> plus a mlt....
 >> but wait, see how the times jump around? does that mean merged logs, why
 >> would there need to be merged logs same band, could it be two transmitters
 >> same band? Well I never!

If you're questioning the ability to have such a high rate, and be able to 
intersperse some S&P QSO's.....

This is exactly the situation that having a network of SDR receivers placed 
strategically around the world will be able to catch - It would be a simple 
matter to play back the SDR recording to insure that the station was not 
transmitting simultaneously on the same band.

Steve, N2IC

>> QSO: 14039 CW 200-11-25 1328
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1328
>> QSO: 14102 CW 200-11-25 1328
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1328
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1328
>> QSO: 14065 CW 200-11-25 1329
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1328
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1329
>> QSO: 14114 CW 200-11-25 1330
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1329
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1329
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1330
>> QSO: 21034 CW 200-11-25 1329
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1330
>> QSO: 14058 CW 200-11-25 1331
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1330
>> QSO: 14099 CW 200-11-25 1331
>> QSO: 14099 CW 2007-11-25 1331
>> QSO: 14028 CW 2007-11-25 1332
>> QSO: 14099 CW 2007-11-25 1331
>> QSO: 14099 CW 2007-11-25 1331

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