[CQ-Contest] Why Are European Contesters Younger?

Renner, PY7RP py7rp at yahoo.com.br
Sun Aug 23 05:56:28 PDT 2009


I guess it is just a matter of "apparent majority" 
between the EU young hams over NA young hams.

The WWYC (World Wide Young Contesters) - founded in
Europe, has done a lot of divulgation of the young
ham community. And it seems that there is not any of
these groups in NA or if it does have any, this is
not so "strong" or "heard" in ham radio community.

Even with much effort, ARRL has done in some of its
videos - trying to modify the way people see the hobby -
the usage of young hams to present videos. Maybe in terms of
"local visibilty" it has done a good job, but in terms
of World visibilty, US Hams still seems (at least to me)
have higher age average than EU Hams.

Sure, other technologies as Internet, 3D Games etc
also have done a big influence over the number of
incoming young hams into the hobby, but i guess this is
not the main point, since these technologies (or other
forms of them) are well spread out everywhere in the world.

73 Renner


--- Em dom, 23/8/09, Franki ON5ZO <on5zo at telenet.be> escreveu:

> De: Franki ON5ZO <on5zo at telenet.be>
> Assunto: Re: [CQ-Contest] Why Are European Contesters Younger?
> Para: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Data: Domingo, 23 de Agosto de 2009, 4:37
> > 2. The abundance of PSP,s
> playstations and other distractions
> > found in america are certainly less than in Europe.
> I assume you mean less abundance in EU?
> As an educator teaching 17-18-19 year old kids, I can see /
> say that in EU 
> there is as much PSP, Wii, PS 1/2/3, X-Box and (online) PC
> gaming as 
> anywhere else.
> The thesis that "EU contesters are younger than USA
> contesters", does NOT 
> mean that the average age of the EU op is that of a
> teenager or someone in 
> its early 20ies!
> The counter just hit 34 here and I'm certainly one of the
> youngest of the 
> pack!
> That said, I see that many efforts and campaigns focus
> their recruiting 
> energy on youngsters. I think people in their late 20ies
> are more open to 
> ham radio than teenagers. If someone had introduced me to
> ham radio when I 
> was 16-18, I would NOT have been interested, to put it
> mildly. I got my 
> first license at the age of 24 (almost 10 years ago...). I
> got bored with 
> partying and going out at that age and traded school for a
> job. Ham radio 
> gave me a good reason to stay at home in my free time yet
> do something 
> interesting.
> 73 de Franki ON5ZO 
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