[CQ-Contest] Why Are European Contesters Younger?

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 10:42:32 PDT 2009

Hi Felipe

> Have the number of club stations on your country diminished?


> Do you see a relationship between that and amateur population?


> I would like to hear from other amateurs if they see a relationship 
> between clubhouses and amateur population.

In the USSR club stations served as schools for newcomers. Club stations 
were supported by the state (premises, equipment donations). One could 
operate club station having no license, get hooked on the hobby, learn from 
old-timers, prepare and pass exams an finally get license.  Most of that is 
gone now.

73, Igor UA9CDC
> Regards,
> Felipe
> Np4Z

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