[CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring?

Hank Greeb n8xx at arrl.org
Mon Dec 7 13:59:22 PST 2009

I think we need to re-evaluate the psychological health of those who 
complain about the scoring system in CQWW contest.  For that matter, for 
any contest.

It appears to the folks in higher latitudes that they have a 
disadvantage compared with southerners in North American Contests.  
People in Europe have a definite advantage over North American operators 
because they can work Asia and Africa so much easier.  People in "rare 
DX" countries have an advantage over the rest of us.

HOWEVER, the rules are "owned" by the sponsor, so griping about them 
doesn't do much except generate a lot of hot air. But, contesters being 
contesters, I can predict with >99.44% certainty that, after most major 
contests there will be an extended discussion, which will drivel on and 
on, about what "needs" to be changed about scoring of the latest 
contest.  This discussion will slowly dribble off to nothingness until 
the next big contest, and it will start up again.  I'd place bets with 
bookies in Las Vegas, but the odds would be so unfavorable that it 
wouldn't be worth it.  If you don't believe me, just go back to the 
archives of this reflector and look at the drivel after each CQWW, 
CQWPX, ARRL DX contest, et. nausea.

For me, I'll crank the power down to <5Watts and go to a "rare" state or 
zone or county and have a fighting chance of getting recognized, because 
most folks use >KW and megabuck antenna farms.

72/73 de n8xx Hg

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