[CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?
ac6wi at comcast.net
Thu Dec 10 18:51:24 PST 2009
On 09/12/09 05:02, Roger G3SXW wrote:
> Thanks for that Andrew:
>> CQWW SSB 2008 results in the Single Op Single Band 80M High Power.....
>> EA8CMX 476,652 1264 27 105 (Op OH2BYS)
>> GI0KOW 414,392 2270 26 110
>> Can anyone really say it is fair that someone with a much larger QSO
>> total (almost 80% more) and higher overall mult total should finish
>> lower in the standings? I think this is the type of unfair result David
>> was referring to in the original message in this thread before the focus
>> got diverted.
> Yes, it is fair because EA8 is 2,000 miles further away from Europe than GI.
> It is called the CQ World-Wide DX Contest so scoring is weighted three times
> higher for DX contacts. I can almost guarantee that the whole of GI0KOW's
> advantage over EA8CMX was in European one-point QSOs.
Been busy at work so just got finished analyzing both logs.....
Yes, I agree, it is a DX contest, so let's throw away the man-made
arbitrary continental boundaries so there is no controversial one
point/three point divide and let's score it by distance instead. It is
a DX contest after all.
In theory, that should advantage EA8CMX as most of his contacts are in
the higher distance category. I counted the number of stations worked
in each country in both logs, calculated the distance to the centre of
each DXCC entity worked in both logs with googleearth, then split them
into blocks of 0-1000 miles, 1001-2000 miles, 2001-3000 miles etc. For
the USA, Canada and Russia I measured to the centre of each zone within
those respective countries to try to capture the distances more
accurately in those large land mass countries.
If you apply 1pt/Q for each 1000 miles, ie 1pt for 0-1000 miles, 2pts
for 1001-2000 miles, 3pts for 2001-3000 miles etc and continue to use
country and zone mults, GI0KOW scores 620,024pts and EA8CMX scores
If you slice the distances into fewer blocks, eg 0-2000 miles, 2001-4000
miles etc and allocate 1pt for 0-2000 miles, 2pts for 2001-4000 miles
etc, GI0KOW scores 387,464pts and EA8CMX scores 340,081pts.
If you reduce the number of blocks further to 0-3000 miles, 3001-6000
miles etc and score 1pt for 0-3000 miles, 2pts for 3001-6000 miles etc,
GI0KOW scores 365,704pts and EA8CMX scores 254,695pts (the lower number
of Q's by EA8CMX starts to weight his score lower here).
Before anyone says I've used mults to make sure GI0KOW comes out ahead
as he had a higher number of mults worked, sorry, but even without mults
his totals are higher than EA8CMX. The numbers are 4559pts/4486pts when
using 1pt/1000 miles, 2849pts/2557pts when using 1pt/2000 miles and
2689pts/1915pts when using 1pt/3000 miles as above.
No matter how you score it based on distance, and by your own words this
is a DX contest, GI0KOW should not have finished second.
> Yes, we can all bang on about the scoring rules but it isn't going to change.
Maybe, but there is nothing to stop anyone highlighting the inequalities
in the scoring. And, didn't discussions like this lead to the 2pt rule
in North America? Never say never!!
> Live with it or chose to do other contests instead.
Well, isn't that a constructive comment to the discussion!
> Most proposals for rule changes are made by the very folks who would benefit from
> those changes. Funny that!
Not really, when (if) the solar cycle ever picks up and the higher bands
start to play again, fair scoring by distance would disadvantage GI
because it is one of the closest European countries to North America and
would get lower points for each contact compared to say, Germany.
This is not about trying to get an advantage, this is about getting the
logs scored fairly.
Vy 73,
Andrew AC6WI / GI0NWG
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