[CQ-Contest] And now for something completely different......

Gerry Hull gerry at w1ve.com
Wed Feb 4 09:38:04 EST 2009

I have to agree with Mark.   My skills as a contester have been built by
relationships with those who know far more than I'll ever know.

Let me put in a plug for multi-ops.   This is my 31st year in contesting,
and, I've never really had a great station at home.  However, through
relationships with good friends, I've had the opportunity to operate with
people, and stations, that I would have never dreamed of years ago.   Many,
Many of today's SO superstars started at multi-ops, and
many not-as-well-known stars fill the chairs of multi-ops today.   SO is
fun, but for me, working with a great team, doing well and having fun is the
most satisfying aspect of the hobby.

No matter what the entry level, time on the radio making QSOs is the #1
skill builder in radio contesting.

73, Gerry W1VE

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Mark Beckwith <n5ot at n5ot.com> wrote:

> Simple, Hans.  Relationships.  There is nothing else that has done more for
> my success as a contester than getting to know and subsequently operate
> with
> others who were (are) farther along and more skilled than myself.
> Mark, N5OT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "K0HB" <kzerohb at gmail.com>
> To: "CQ-Contest" <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 6:56 PM
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] And now for something completely different......
>  > For several weeks this reflector has been consumed with issues and
> > insinuations regarding cheating rascals who don't want their logs viewed
> > by Aunt Emma, cheaters who wait until the last second to submit their
> log,
> > and other similar underhanded characters.
> >
> > How about a return to the purpose of the reflector, helping us all become
> > better skilled at the art of Radiosport.
> >
> > So I pose this question to the gathered multitude.....
> >
> > What single factor do you  credit with being the MOST important to your
> > success as a contester?  (The "factor" can be a skill, a station
> > engineering accomplishment, an "accident of location", or whatever.)
> >
> > 73, de Hans, K0HB/W7
> >
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