[CQ-Contest] Log checking and deadlines

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at remijn.net
Wed Feb 4 14:38:20 EST 2009

AD5VJ Bob schreef:
> I have not read this entire thread, so pls no one take any offense to what I am about to say, however, I dont understand why there
> would be any delay in submitting logs in the times we live in.
What I usually do after a big contest: (I operate from PI4Z which is 10 
min drive from home)
At 1 AM local time on Monday morning I pack my transceiver and other 
easy-to-steal equipment, load it in my car, rush home and go to sleep 
because at 7AM I have to wake up and go to work.
Usually this day is loaded with work because the Friday before the 
contest I always take a day off, so I work late for a couple of days and 
on the Wednesday or even the weekend I check and submit the log.
With CQ160 contest it was worse as during the contest I left for a 
business trip to Spain, and after return I was busy the whole weekend 
with another non-ham contest so I submitted Tuesday evening, 9 days 
after the contest end.

UBN/NIL reports learned me that most of my errors are by typos, so I 
check for obvious mistakes in calls (ADD5VJ, K55ZD, PA%KT, etc).

So, its not always that easy to submit direct after the contest, but 
within 2 weeks it should be possible.

73 Henk

Henk Remijn PA5KT
email: pa5kt at remijn.net
www: www.remijn.net

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