[CQ-Contest] [Fwd: [WriteLog] WPX Scoring Issue]

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Sun Feb 15 19:50:19 EST 2009

Now I'm really confused...but then again I'm a newbie to the RTTY WPX 

How can states be a mult if the contest exchange is a QSO number?  
Furthermore, the published rules state the multiplier is the number of 
prefixes worked.

Maybe I'll just go back to CW/SSB :-(


Mike McCarthy, W1NR wrote:
> Here's W0YK's explanation. The scoring is correct. The rules had a mistake:
> Hi, Richard.  WriteLog, and other loggers, are scoring correctly.  A
> typo crept into the 2009 WPX RTTY rules when I was trying to converge
> them to the CW/SSB rules where the specific rule intent was the same.
> In the case of RTTY, a basic difference is that US states and VE areas
> are mults just like countries are mults in Europe.  So, the low-band
> point differential follows.
> You and Susan are on my list for reviewing the next rules before
> publishing,
> hi!
> Ed - P49X (W0YK)
> Rob K6RB
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