[CQ-Contest] No US DX Only - ARRL DX

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Sun Feb 22 22:24:09 EST 2009

Personally, I would have worked you, but there are understandable 
reasons why others might not:

a.  Some contest logging programs won't accept invalid exchanges.  Even 
some that do might require unfamiliar keystrokes.

b.  Just because nobody was answering their CQ before you called doesn't 
mean they weren't listening intently for a reply that counted.  You 
become a distraction.

c.  Your presumption simply annoyed them.  By calling them when you knew 
they didn't want to work you, you essentially are telling them that your 
interests are more important than theirs.

If none of that holds water for you .... well, item (c) comes to mind.

Dave   AB7E

David Wilburn wrote:
> Ok, I get it, no points for working a US station in ARRL DX.
> As well as DX, I was also interested in picking up states for Triple 
> Play, since lots of states get spotted in this contest.  Both the 
> stations I tried to work in Washington state (big contesters) came 
> back and said "No US DX Only", or statements to that effect.
> Out of hundreds of contacts both US and DX, the two stations I tried 
> to work in WA were the ONLY two stations to do this.  It wouldn't be 
> so bad, but they were CQ 'ing with NO ONE ANSWERING.  It took them 
> longer to answer me than it would have to put me in the log.  I'm not 
> trying to say that this is a Washington state thing.  Just annoying.
> Some much needed stations (by everyone) that I worked this week (like 
> Hawaii, Idaho and Belarus) that were CQ'ing when I found them, I put 
> spots in for.  It was nice to hear them get busy after the spots.  I 
> would have done the same for the WA stations.
> The contacts they would have gotten from the spot would have more than 
> made up for the 5 letters they would have had to transmit to me.  Oh 
> wait, they already transmitted more than 5 letters to tell me they 
> wouldn't work me.  Hmmmmmm.....
> Just wanted to take a moment to send a big Thank You to the US 
> stations that worked me this weekend.  Thanks for helping to nurture 
> contesting and sharing the amateur spirit.  I very much appreciate the 
> time you took to answer my call.
> Dave Wilburn
> NM4M

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