[CQ-Contest] No US DX Only - ARRL DX

Julius Fazekas phriendly1 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 23 07:32:47 EST 2009


After a little help from folks here, it was easy to log all QSOs with N1MM and I did have a half dozen US QSOs. 

Actually, it turned out easier to log them than I it had been in the past, didn't require the three key combo, just hot enter and away you go.

I did notice that the QSOs without any entry in the POWER area were bounced by the ARRL robot, the others I put the state in that slot. Hmmm, maybe I should fix that and resubmit...


Julius Fazekas

Tennessee Contest Group

Tennessee QSO Party

Elecraft K2/100 #4455
Elecraft K3/100 #366

--- On Sun, 2/22/09, David Wilburn <dave.wilburn at verizon.net> wrote:

> From: David Wilburn <dave.wilburn at verizon.net>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] No US DX Only - ARRL DX
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009, 2:19 PM
> Ok, I get it, no points for working a US station in ARRL DX.
> As well as DX, I was also interested in picking up states
> for Triple 
> Play, since lots of states get spotted in this contest. 
> Both the 
> stations I tried to work in Washington state (big
> contesters) came 
> back and said "No US DX Only", or statements to
> that effect.
> Out of hundreds of contacts both US and DX, the two
> stations I tried 
> to work in WA were the ONLY two stations to do this.  It
> wouldn't be 
> so bad, but they were CQ 'ing with NO ONE ANSWERING. 
> It took them 
> longer to answer me than it would have to put me in the
> log.  I'm not 
> trying to say that this is a Washington state thing.  Just
> annoying.
> Some much needed stations (by everyone) that I worked this
> week (like 
> Hawaii, Idaho and Belarus) that were CQ'ing when I
> found them, I put 
> spots in for.  It was nice to hear them get busy after the
> spots.  I 
> would have done the same for the WA stations.
> The contacts they would have gotten from the spot would
> have more than 
> made up for the 5 letters they would have had to transmit
> to me.  Oh 
> wait, they already transmitted more than 5 letters to tell
> me they 
> wouldn't work me.  Hmmmmmm.....
> Just wanted to take a moment to send a big Thank You to the
> US 
> stations that worked me this weekend.  Thanks for helping
> to nurture 
> contesting and sharing the amateur spirit.  I very much
> appreciate the 
> time you took to answer my call.
> Dave Wilburn
> NM4M
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