[CQ-Contest] K5D in ARRL CW = it WAS them (real)

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 13:30:06 EST 2009

Neither of the sites I know of -


give you a day. They just give a band/mode. It looks like you have two QSO's
on 40 CW in the log.

Did they give you a contest exchange (i.e. power)? I know they showed up on
7023 about an hour after the contest was over. I didn't hear them near the
end of the contest. I was S&P on 40 for the last hour of the contest.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 12:02 PM, <kr2q at optimum.net> wrote:

> Someone pointed me to their web page where you can do a log lookup.
> I am in the log on the right day, band, etc., so it must have been them.
> Almost thought that I had lost a mult.  Whew!  :-)
> de Doug KR2Q

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